On Wenesday, 20th March 2019, a talk on ‘Gandhi’s Life & His Philosophy of Non-Violence’ was held at S.S.P.E.S’s Goa Multi-Faulty College, Dharbandora, Goa. The Resource Person was Shri. Kaustubh Kamat, part of the Brahma Kumaris Foundation and an avid follower of the ‘Non- Violence Philosophy.’ The talk was held as part of the series of activities to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

The Principal Dr. Shaikh Mohammad Parvez Al-Usmani expressed his happiness over the organization of this talk as it would help students understand the philosophy, life and values of the Father of the Nation; he further stated that these values are still relevant today. Dr. Shaikh urged the students to imbibe these values and spread the same in the community around them, which will ultimately help build a better society for everyone to live in.
In the course of the talk, Resource Person Shri Kaustubh Kamat through a presentation titled ‘Mahatma Gandhi: Life of Inspiration,’ and touched upon various incidents in Gandhi’s Life. He delved into the philosophy of Non-Violence and explained how Non-Violence leads to moral clarity and helps in creating peaceful communities where basic human rights of citizens are always safeguarded. The talk ended with Q & A session.