A webinar cum quiz on “Ozone Layer Depletion” was organized for the students and the teaching staff members of Goa Multi-Faculty College by Ms. Anaya Mulik, Assistant Professor in IT and Computer Application and a Program Officer of NSS Unit of the College.
The webinar started with an introduction to what Ozone layer is and how it is acting as the shield and protecting all of us from the harmful ultraviolet radiations. The process of how an Ozone layer is formed was explained. Further, while providing the explanation of the depletion process, the differentiation between how the balance of Ozone was maintained by natural depletion caused by the Sun and how the man-made substances have accelerated the depletion process was laid. The effects of Ozone layer depletion on human health, plants, environment and marine life was narrated to the participants. An elaboration of how we can help in reducing the depletion process was discussed with the participants.
The webinar was followed by a Quiz based on Ozone and its depletion process. A very good response from the participants was evoked.

Report Submitted by Ms. Anaya Mulik, Asst. Prof. in IT & Comp. Application NSS Program Officer.