
Name: :Dr.Manasvi Kamat
Designation:: Associate Professor
Telephone: :9422415052
Email: :manasvikamat@gmail.com
Qualification:: BA (Economics-Gold Medalist), MA (Economics-Gold Medalist), PGDIBO, PGDM (Marketing), UGC-NET, Ph.D (International Business).
Recognized Research Guide for Ph.D in the subject of Economics at Goa University. Have authored around 15 research papers in International Journals. Completed two Minor Research Projects sponsored by UGC and one research project sponsored by Industry.
Currently serving as the Member of the Advisory Board of Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies with an ISSN 2231-427X.
Presented research papers in 09 International, 14 National, 09 State-level Conferences and Spoken as a Resource person in 06 national academic events.
Areas of Expertise:-International Trade, Banking and Finance, Marketing, & Economic Policy
Subject tought in the past:-Business Economics, International Trade, & Banking and Finance at UG level.
International Business Environment, Strategic Marketing, Marketing Research, FOREX Mgmt, Quantitative Finance, & Capital Markets at PG level.
Experience:-15 Years at Undergraduate Level, 12 Years at Post Graduate Level
Research Intrested Area: – International Trade, Business and Finance; Economic PolicyDescription of past job / organization /work experience:
Worked in Shree Damodar College of Commerce and Economics, Margao-Goa for past 15 years. 12 years of PG teaching experience having taught at Goa Institute of Management, Ribandar; IMTR, Margao; Faculty of Management Studies, Faculty of Commerce, and Dept of Computer at Goa University.
Awards and Recognitions:-
Awarded Teacher Fellowship under FIP by the UGC and Research Fellowship by ICSSR, Mumbai.
Won National Teaching Award in form of the coveted Bharat Shiksha Ratan Award by Global Society for Education, New Delhi in the year 2013.
One research paper co-authored in Finance bagged the Prof. Manubhai Shah Memorial Award, Citation and a Gold Medal while other paper in the area of Accounting Research bagged the Best Research Paper Award at the International Conference in Accounting Research.
Research Papers Published in Journals :-
- 1. Kamat, Manoj and Kamat Manasvi (2007), Financial Infrastructure and Economic Performance?: Causality-Cointegration using Unrestricted VECM, The Indian Journal of Commerce, Vol 60, No. 4, Oct-Dec. ISSN 0019-512X.
- Kamat, Manoj & Kamat Manasvi (2011), An Application of Partial Adjustment Equation in Determining Payout Behaviour using an Extended Instrumental Variable Approach. Indian Journal of Commerce, Vol 64, No 2, pp 247-256, ISSN 0019-512X.
- Kamat, Manasvi and Kamat Manoj (2012), Identifying “Good” and the “Bad” IT Jobs: Multivariate Analysis of Job Satisfaction in an IT Unit, International Journal of Information Technology and Management Research, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 73-83. ISSN 0975-2099.
- Kamat, Manasvi and Kamat Manoj (2012), The Plight of Women Empowerment in the Context of Globalization, Journal of Commerce and Management Thought, Vol 3, Issue-3 (July-September), pp.73-83, Print ISSN 0975-623X, Online ISSN
- Kamat, Manoj and Kamat Manasvi (2012), An Examination of Carbon Disclosure Practices In India, International Journal of Advances in Management Technology & Engineering Sciences, Vol I, Issue 8(II), pp.135-140, ISSN 2249-7455.
- Kamat, Manasvi and Kamat Manoj (2012), Export Elasticity, Intensity and Firm Characteristics, in Management Arena Innovations, Opportunities and Challenges, pp: 3-13, ISSN 978-93-5067-163-4.
- Kamat, Manoj and Kamat Manasvi (2012), Ethical Issues in Accounting & Reporting: The Dilemmas of the Accountant, International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services and Management Research, Vol 1.1, Jan-March, pp. 36-42. ISSN 2277-6788.
- Kamat, Manoj and Kamat Manasvi (2013), Economic Reforms, Determinants and Stability of Dividends in a Dynamic Setting, Journal of Asian Business Studies, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 5-30, ISSN 1558-7894. Emerald UK.
- Kamat, Manasvi and Kamat Manoj (2013), Is India’s Rural Economy Turning by its Side?: Some Quantitative Evidence, International Referred Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce, pp 20-31, Vol. 1 Issue. 1. ISSN 2320-3145.
- Kamat, Manoj and Kamat Manasvi (2015), Ethical Perceptions and the Sensitivities of the Accountant: The Indian Experience, International Journal of Multi-disciplinary and Contemporary Research, pp 20-31, Vol. 1 Issue. Jan 2015. ISSN 2320-3145.
- Kamat, Manoj and Kamat Manasvi (2015), An Evaluation of the Perceptions in Carbon Accounting & Reporting in India, International Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce, pp 27-39, Vol. VI Issue. 2, April. ISSN 2231-4172.
- Kamat, Manoj and Kamat Manasvi (2015), Financial Intermediation and Stock Market Activity Growth: A Causality-Cointegration Approach, Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, pp 01-10, Vol. VI Issue. 2, May 15. ISSN: 2249-0310, EISSN: 2229-5674.
- Kamat, Manasvi and Kamat Manoj (2015), Inter-firm Performance of Iron-ore Exports: Analysis using Micro-level Data, Indian Journal of Management Science, pp 107-118, Vol. V Issue. 1, May 15. ISSN: 2231-279X, ISSN: 2249-0280.
Research Papers Published in Books :-
- 1. Kamat, Manoj and Rodrigues, Branda (2006), Public Sector Banks in Post-reform Period: Unfinished Agenda and the Uncertain Future, Financial Sector Reforms in the World, Edited by V. B. Jugale, Serials Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 81-8387-005-8.
- Kamat, Manasvi and Kamat, Manoj (2006), Public Sector Banks in Post-reform Period: Unfinished Agenda and the Uncertain Future, published in the book Financial Sector Reforms in the World, Edited by V. B. Jugale, Serials Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 81-8387-005-8.
Sponsored Research Projects:-
- Minor Research Project from University Grants Commission, New Delhi in Management titled Corporate Payout Omissions and Financial Distress in India: Estimations Using Multivariate LOGIT Approach for the year academic 2007.
- Minor Research Project from University Grants Commission, New Delhi in Economics titled Iron Ore Exports & Economic Growth of Goa, 1971 through 2004: Quantifying the Concentration, Instability & Causality-Cointegration Properties of the Time-series for the year academic 2006.
- Industry Sanctioned Project by the National Stock Exchange, Mumbai in Finance titled Determinants and Stability of Dividends in India: sanctioned on 1st April 2009.
Training Courses Attended :-
- Orientation Program, organized by the Academic Staff College, Goa University, 25th September 2001 to 22nd October 2001.
- Refresher Program in Economics, organized by the Academic Staff College, Goa University, 22nd November to 14th December 2002.
- Refresher Program in Economics, organized by the Academic Staff College, Goa University, during February 18th to March 10th, 2010.
- Refresher Course in Social Sciences (Inter-Disciplinary), organized by the Academic Staff College, Karnatak University Dharwad, during December 15th to January 4th, 2011.
- Faculty Development Program on Effective Managerial & Leadership Skills at IMS, Pune from 6th May to 12th May 2013.
Presentations in International Seminars:-
- Indian Agriculture in the New Economic Regime, presented at the International Seminar 19-21st February 2007 organized by Institute of Management & Computer Studies (IMCOST), Thane-Mumbai.
- WTO, Developing Economies and the Allied Agricultural Activities, at the International Conference organised by Abasaheb Garware College at Pune on 14th-16th May 2007.
- Does Growth in Financial Services Lead Economic Growth, at the International Seminar organised by TAPMI at Manipal on 15th-16th February 2008.
- Economic Reforms, Determinants and the Stability of Dividends in India in the International Conference on the Financial Sector Reforms and the Indian Economy, organized by the IIM Kozhikode in association British Southern Universities Forum, UK on November 11-13, 2010.
- Carbon Accounting in India, at the International Seminar organised by All India Accounting Association at Jaipur on 17th-19th January 2011.
- Good Job & Bad Jobs, at the International Conference organised by DY Patil Institute at Pune on 6th-28th January 2012.
- Export Elasticity, Intensity and Firm Characteristics, at the International Conference organised by Pune University and Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Mandir’s Insititute of Management at Nasik on 27th-29th January 2012.
- Carbon Disclosures in India , at the International Conference organised by Choice Institute of Management Studies & Research at Goa on 26th-27th May 2012.
- Investment Opportunities & Challenges in India’s Service Sector, at the International Conference organised by Confederation of Indian Universities at Goa on 24th January 2015
Presentations in National Seminars:-
- The Indian IT in Software Industry: Recent Trends & Analysis presented at the UGC sponsored seminar on ‘Contemporary Development Initiatives” organized by Smt. Parvatibai Chowgule College, Margao, Goa, India on 13th & 14th December 2002.
- Futuristic Insurance Regulation in India: Lessons from the Global Markets, National Seminar organized by Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics on 24th – 25th February 2006.
- WTO-GATS & Indian Marine Trade & Services: Issues & Implications at the seminar on ‘GATS and India’s Service Sector: Progress and Prospects” National Seminar organized by Department of Studies in Economics, Karnataka University, Dharwad, Karnataka, India, 24th & 25th March, 2006.
- Is India’s Economy Turning by its Side? Some Quantitative Evidence, presented at the National seminar on ‘Contemporary Development Initiatives” organized by MES College, Zuarinagar-Goa, India on 21st & 22ndApril 2006.
- Trade and Growth: Goa’s Experience at National Seminar organised by ICSSR and Goa University on 19-20th Feb 2010.
- An Application of Partial Adjustment Equation in Determining Payout Behavior using IV Approach, at the All India Commerce National Conference organized by the Indian Commerce Association, on October 1st to October 3rd 2010.
- The Skill-Gap Analysis of Labour Force in Goa, at the Conference organised by Indian Society of Labour Economics College at Karnatak University, Dharwad on 17-19h December 2010.
- What Kind of Indian Firms Omit Dividends?, in the National Conference on Money and Finance, organized by the IGIDR, Mumbai in association on February 25-26, 2011.
- Plight of Women Empowerment in the Context of Globalisation, in the National Conference on Globalization and Empowerment, organized by the Mahasatee College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Ulga-Karwar on March 18-19, 2011.
- Environmental Ethos, at the National Conference organised by Chitransh A.D.P.G College at Bhopal, on 19h March 2012.
- The Paradox of Employment in India, at the National Conference organised by Rani Chennamma University Economics Teachers Forum and SP Mandal’s College at Raibag- Karnataka on 13-14th Nov 2011.
- Perceived Ethical Crisis in Accounting Practices: Multivariate Analysis based on Primary Data, at the National Conference organised by Indian Commerce Association at Pondicherry on 13-15th December 2011.
- Export Market Dynamics of Iron-ore Exporting Firms, at the National Conference organised by Indian Commerce Association at Pondicherry on 13-15th December 2011.
- Ethical Perceptions & Sensitiveness of Accountant, at the National Conference organised by Damodar College at Goa on 30-31st January 2015.
- Impact of Financial Sector Reforms in India, at the National Conference organised by Babasaheb Ambedkar College, Pune on 16-17th Jan 2015.
Presentations in Sate-level Seminars:-
- Human Rights and Gender Bias, presented at the seminar on ‘Human Rights” organized by Dhempe College, Miramar, Goa-India on 8Pth March 2001.
- Public Sector Banks: Unfinished Agenda and Uncertain Future, presented at the seminar on ‘Public Sector Reforms & Disinvestment” organized by Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, Margao, Goa-India on 14Pth & 15th February 2003.
- Unemployment in Goa: Anatomy and Alternatives, presented at the seminar on ‘The Challenge of Goa’s Unemployment’ organized by Government College, Sanquelim, Goa-India on 24th March 2003.
- Revenue Implications of V.A.T. on Goa, presented at the seminar on “Value Added Tax” Organized by Government College, Sanquelim, Goa-India on 25th March 2003.
- Rural Banks in India: Aspects, Problems & Prospects, presented at the seminar on “Changing Dimensions of the Banking sector in India” organized by the Shree Mallikarjun College of Commerce and Arts, Canacona, Goa-India on 26th August 2003.
- The Economy of Goa since Liberation, presented at the seminar on ‘Organized by the Department of Economics, Goa University on 27th February 2004.
- Goan Health Indicators, presented at the seminar on ‘Social Sector Development in Goa organized by Shree Damodar College, Margao, India on 12th February, 2005.
- Econometric Analysis of Fishing Industry in Goa, presented at the seminar on ‘Marine Fishery Resources and Exploitation along the Goa Coast” organized by the Fishery Survey of India, Goa-India on 21st February 2006.
- An Econometric Analysis of Goan Fishing Industry Revisited, presented at the seminar on ‘Science-Policy Interactions on the River Basins and Coastal Zone Management’ organized by National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, India on 7th & 8th of March, 2006
Invited Lectures / Presentations:-
- Resource Person at the International Conference in Economics and Environmental Issues on 26-27th May 2012. (10)
- Resource Person at UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Solid Waste Management’ at Mahasatee College, Halga-Karnataka on 27-28 September 2013.
- Resource Person at UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in Commerce at ASC-Goa University on 4th July 2013. (1 session)
(05 pts)
- Resource Person at UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in Commerce at ASC-Goa University on 30th March 2015 (4 sessions= 20 pts).
Social LinksUGC Expert database and National Researcher’s Network: www.vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/52995