A talk on Road Safety was organised for BBA students of Goa Multi-Faculty College on September 18th, 2019 between 04.45pm to 05.45pm. This talk was organised to focus attention on the importance of observing traffic rules in order to prevent accidents on the roads which take away thousands of precious lives every year across India.
The resource persons for the talk were Motor Vehicle Inspector Mrs. Persy Coutinho and Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Mr. Anand Upadhyay R.T.O, Dharbandora South-Goa.
The program commenced with the Principal’s formal address welcoming the guest. Both the speakers explained the students the importance of safe driving and how, we can save precious life. They have also given information on 3 types of Road Signs i.e. Manadatory sign board, Cautionary sign board and Informationary sign board. The talk was attended by around 100 students. The programme was co-ordinated by Asst. Professor Eknath Shirodkar.