Workshop on ‘No Code Computer Vision Model Development’.

Workshop on ‘No Code Computer Vision Model Development’. Resource person: Mr. Varun Poladiya, Marketing Lead, , Rajkot

The department of IT & Computer Applications of SPES’s Goa Multi-Faculty College Dharbandora, organized a workshop on ‘No Code Computer Vision Model Development’ for the students of BCA. The Resource person for the workshop was Mr. Varun Poladiya, Marketing Lead, from Rajkot.

The event began with the introduction of resource person, Mr. Varun Poladiya by Ms. Nilaxi Chari, Asst. Professor and Teacher In-Charge of BCA department. The session on Artificial Intelligence began for first batch of students at 9.30 a.m. Mr. Varun began the session by a PowerPoint presentation and then asked the student to work on the datasets, which he had provided to the students prior to the workshop. The students learnt to work on training the data and working on the APIs. The session went up till 11.45 a.m. Similarly, the second batch started with the session at 12.15 p.m. and got over by 2.30 pm.  

Principal, Prof. (Dr.) Shaikh Mohammad Parvez Al-Usmani, presented a bouquet and a memento to Mr. Varun Poladiya on the conclusion of the first session. Ms. Nilaxi Chari proposed the vote-of-thanks on conclusion of the workshop.

Total of 56 students participated in the workshop across First Year, Second Year and Third Year students of BCA department. Ms. Nilaxi Chari, Asst. Professor in IT and Computer Applications was the coordinator for the workshop and Mr. Swapneel Naik, Asst. Professor in IT and Computer Applications was the co-coordinator of the workshop.

Attached herewith are the images of the workshop.

Report Drafted By: Ms. Nilaxi Chari, Asst. Professor in IT and Computer Applications.