The Department of Commerce of the Goa Multi Faculty College under the guidance of Dr. Manasvi Kamat, Principal, has organised a Workshop on “Contemporary Issues in Accounting on 15th August, 2015. The Session started with a warm welcome note given by the HOD, Mr. Subasish Mohanty. Mr. Mohanty introduced the guest speaker before the participants and then handed over the session to Mr. Pushpender Kumar.
Mr. Pushpender Kumar started off the session by introducing the topic. He put special emphasis by covering certain contemporary issues in Accounting which are being faced by the Accountants’ Community of late. During the course of his presentation, he covered the critical aspects of:
- Environmental Accounting & Issues
- Responsibility Accounting & Issues
- Human Resource Accounting & Issues
- Forensic Accounting & Issues
- IFRS and Latest Developments in the field of Accounting
Overall, the session went really smooth and the participants were also participative. The entire session was interactive. After discussing intensively about the above mentioned issues, the speaker concluded the session and answered the queries of the students.
Feedback from the Speaker:
The speaker was overall very happy to have an interactive session on “Contemporary issues in Accounting.” However, he felt that most of the students do not have clarity of some Economic Concepts. As far as Commerce Aspects are concerned, the students possess the requisite knowledge, but when it comes to Economics and the relationship with Commerce, they were a bit confused. The speaker urged that the students should be given clarity on some conceptual aspects.
Feedback on the Part of Students:
The participants were really happy to be a part of the Workshop entitled “Contemporary Issues in Accounting.” After the session is over, Mr. Subasish Mohanty took the feedback of the students. As per the feedback received by the students, the following inferences were drawn:
- All the students were happy to be a part of Such Workshop
- All the students want to participate further in such an event
- 90% students were satisfied with the Swession taken by Mr. Puspender Kumar
- 80% students believed that the topic was useful and implementable in future course of time
Suggestions given by Students:
90% of the students suggested planning such activities on a regular working day. As some of the students travel by bus and transportation is a problem in national holidays, they requested to hold such events on regular working days, so that they can take the advantage of college transportation facilities.