Highlights from insightful talk on ‘Ideologies of Swami Vivekananda’ organized by the Students’ Council and Students’ Welfare Committee.

The program, organised by the Students’ Council and Students’ Welfare Committee, commenced
at 1:00 pm on 16th January 2025 with Ms. Shreya Naik as the compère. She opened the session
by warmly welcoming the attendees and introducing the theme of the talk. Following her
introduction, the ceremonial garlanding and lighting of the lamp took place, symbolising the
commencement of the event and honouring the legacy of Swami Vivekananda. The Principal
Prof. (Dr.) Shaikh Mohammad Parvez Al-Usmani then delivered the welcome address,
emphasising the importance of Swami Vivekananda’s teachings and their relevance in today’s
world. He expressed gratitude to the Students’ Council and the Students’ Welfare Committee for
organising such an insightful session to inspire students with the wisdom and philosophy of a
great leader. Following the welcome address, the resource person, Mr. Mahesh Naik, was
introduced by the Convenor of the Students’ Council and Students’ Welfare Committee Mr.
Eknath Shirodkar.
The resource person was warmly welcomed for his valuable contribution to the event. Mr. Naik
then took the stage and delivered an enlightening talk on “The Teachings and Philosophy of
Swami Vivekananda.” His address delved into the core values of Vivekananda’s philosophy,
such as self-reliance, discipline, and the importance of spiritual growth, while discussing their
application in modern-day life. The audience was deeply engaged and inspired by his profound
insights. The program concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Melvia Fernandes, the
Ladies’ Representative. She thanked Mr. Mahesh Naik for his thought-provoking address, the
attendees’ participation, and the organising committees for making the event a success. The
session concluded at 1:30 pm, leaving the audience with valuable takeaways from the teachings
of Swami Vivekananda and a sense of inspiration for personal and spiritual growth.