The Constitution is the guiding force that illuminates the destiny of a nation. The Constitution of India provides the legal framework to ensure order in the nation. It is essential for every citizen to be aware of the constitution so that they can protect their rights, fulfil their duties and develop an appreciation for the privilege of living in an independent country.
Therefore, as per the direction of the Directorate of Higher Education, a Special Lecture was organised at Goa Multi-Faculty College, Dharbandora on Friday, 19th January 2018 from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm. Approximately one hundred students attended this programme.
This Special Lecture was a part of the celebration of ‘Constitution of India-Week.’ The Resource Persons for this Special Lecture were six students from G. R. Kare Law College, Margao, Goa. The compere, Ms. Tanvi Naik from FY.B.Com, introduced the Resource Persons Mr. Pradeep Kashyap, Ms. Jyoti Gosavi, Ms. Sunita Khetri, Ms.Yogita Kamat, Ms. Veda Dalvi and Ms. Mohini Gaude. The compere also briefly explained the importance of this Special Lecture.
The Principal Dr. Manasvi Kamat, welcomed the Resource Persons and expressed her delight at the fact that Goa Multi-Faculty College was the first college where such a Special Lecture was being conducted as part of ‘Constitution of India-Week,’ 2018. She felt the college was privileged to receive this special lecture from young individuals who will be the lawyers and judges of tomorrow. She reminded the students in the audience that since many of them studied business law as part of the syllabus, it was beneficial for them to understand what sections of the Constitution influence the conduct of business in the country.
The Resource Persons took over the session soon afterward. In the course of the session, the six students from Kare College spoke one after the other, eloquently explaining the various aspects of the Constitution.
They explained what the Constitution meant and why Dr. B.R Ambedkar is considered the Architect of the Indian Constitution. Next they enlightened the audience about the Preamble and made clear why the Constitution is both ‘Rigid and Flexible.’ The Resource Persons further shed light on the Parliamentary Form of Government; Directive Principles governing state policies; Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties, and the differences between them. Later, the Law Students dealt with concepts such as Independent Judiciary, Secular State, Single Citizenship and Right to Constitutional Remedies.
The Resource Persons ended the lecture session with a short oral Quiz and gave away spot prizes to GMFC students who answered the questions correctly.
This special lecture enhanced the audiences’ overall knowledge about the legal framework under which our country functions.
The Special Lecture ended with a vote of thanks by the Event Co-ordinator, Asst. Prof. Kalpita Naik, followed by a quick photo session