An orientation programme was organized at Goa Multi-Faculty College, Dharbandora, Goa, for FYBBA students on 1st July 2019. The orientation programme was arranged to give students a brief overview about the course structure and subjects, examination pattern, code of conduct, transport facility, library facility etc.
The Orientation Programme formally commenced with the Principal’s Welcome Address. Here, the Principal Dr. Shaikh Mohammad Parvez Al-Usmani stated that the GMFC staff do not only impart education, but in addition, they will constantly strive to inspire and ignite the young minds they interact with. He appealed to students to respond positively to the efforts of the BBA department faculty, so that later in life, they can make constructive contribution to the world of trade and commerce. Further, the Principal asked students to do their best to acquire competencies that would make them an asset to the society, state and nation.
Next, Asst. Prof. Kaustubh Kamat welcomed the new batch of students into the BBA department and explained how the BBA course was tailor-made to match students’ skills to current industry requirements. Then the teachers of the BBA Department proceeded to briefly introduce themselves and the various subjects they would be handling.
After this, Asst. Prof. Dr. Prasannakumar Ganji explained the code of conduct that students are expected to abide by. He insisted on the need to wear identity cards, dress modestly, maintain the required attendance percentage etc.
Later, the Coordinator of the BBA Course, Asst. Prof. Eknath Shirodkar briefly spoke about the various clubs and committees of GMFC. The Librarian Mr. Ajit Faras acquainted students with the various facilities provided by the college library. Asst. Prof. Rajendra Gounder provided information about the bus schedule and bus pass facility.
The Orientation Programme ended with a formal vote of thanks by Asst. Prof. Suraj Velip.
The formal Orientation Programme was followed by an hour long interactive session led by the Coordinator of the BBA department, Asst. Prof. Eknath Shirodkar. In this session, students were acquainted with the BBA trimester system, course structure and examination pattern.