On 30th October 2019, a Placard making competition on the theme ‘Eradicate Corruption: Build a New India,’ was held at Goa Multi-Faculty College, Dharbandora, Goa. Around 30 students from the BBA stream participated in the competition which was held as part of Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week. The first place was claimed by the TYBBA-Division B Class. The competition was supervised by Asst. Prof. Eknath Shirodkar and Asst. Prof. Sandhya Joseph
This was followed by a Vigilance Awareness Rally on 31st October 2019 from 4:30 pm to 5:45 pm. Around 150 students from the BBA stream participated in the rally under the supervision of the BBA faculty. The Rally began with a Plegde of Integrity; later students went through the Okamb village in Dharbandora, Goa, shouting slogans to spread the message of integrity and anti-corruption consciousness.