Goa Multi-Faculty College Dharbandora-Goa inaugurated its NSS Unit for the academic year 2016-17 on 6th July 2016. Around 210 NSS volunteers from B.Com and BCA registered for NSS this academic year. Offg. Principal of the College, Dr. Manasvi Kamat, welcomed the gathering by giving brief idea about NSS. Mr. Neelesh Morajkar, NSS Coordinator, introduced Chief Guest Dr. R.G. Kulkarni, Associate Prof. in Zoology Department, Govt. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Quepem- Goa. Mr. Morajkar briefed about the last academic year’s report of NSS activities and proposed list of activities for the academic year 2016-17.
Dr. Kulkarni gave an insight about various activities to be conducted though NSS such as Social Awareness, Orientation on Social and Health Issues, Education, Environment, Health, National Integration, Plastic Collection, Campus Cleaning, Donating Blood etc.
Volunteers were made aware that they have to work for the progress of the society and not for any personal gain. It was stressed that the students should work with one theme in mind, i.e., “NOT ME BUT YOU”.
The function was compered by NSS Program officer Ms. Nilaxi Chari and NSS Program Officer, Mr. Subasish Mohanty proposed the Vote of Thanks.