Department: Department of Commerce
Our Country has taken a revolutionary step in moving on to G.S.T (Goods and Services Tax) effictive from 1st July 2017. To acquaint students with Good and Service Tax, Goa Multi Faculty College, Department of Commerce, organized a 1hr guest lecture on 21st July 2017 from 1.00 to 2. P.m in the college premises for its F.Y, S.Y & TY B.Com students.
On behalf of GMFC, the Course Co-ordinator of Commerce Ms. Kalpita Naik took initiative to invite Mr. William Vaz, Director, Comtech Computer Academy, Ponda Goa, to address the students on various issues related to GST, GST transactions, implications, and its accounting by using Tally ERP9.
Principal Dr. Manasvi Kamat introduced the resource person to the students & the session commenced with evolution of GST, taxes previously levied, how GST is beneficial to consumers and how GST is a glorified system of taxation.
The Resource Person highlighted the various components of GST, i.e. Central GST, State GST and Integrated GST. He also focused on composition scheme of GST. His session was a blend of theory and live examples of various transactions & the various compliances.
Further he even simplified the concept of GST accounting by using Tally ERP9, its features and showed how one can choose it as a career option. His session was interactive and practical when he focused on how to use tally ERP 9 application.
Lastly, Mr. William Vaz, solved students’ queries. This enlightening session was designed to enhance their potential in the employment market.
Session ended with Vote of thanks by Mr. Ulhas Bansode, Asst. Professor, Department of commerce.
The Guest lecture was co-ordinated by Ms. Kalpita Naik, Course Co-ordinator of Commerce, under the guidance of Principal Dr. Manasvi Kamat.