On 29th Feb 2016 to 5th March 2016 Faculty from BCA Department of Goa Multi-Faculty College Dharbandora Shri Sameer Patil were privileged to attend one Week workshop on “Geospatial Technology for Biodiversity Conservation in Western Ghats India” jointly Organized by Osgeo –India and IIIT Hyderabad.Its 6 days Stakeholders workshop , 14 participants across the India were came ,out of which 5 from Goa, 4 from Gujarat, 1 From Deharadun , 2 from Pune ,1 from DRDO and 1 from Ratnagiri.
Workshop started 29 Feb 2015 with inaugural session by Dr.S.N. Prasad ( Project leader for the Biodiversity Conservation project) , Dr. K.S.Rajan & Dr. P.C. Roy were present.In Inaugural Dr. S.N .Prasad mentioned about entire project and working and why such kind of work is needed.
After the inaugural Remark by Dignitaries , case study were discussed. All together 7 case studies discussed with participants in 2 days
First Case Study about “Land use and land cover change and Ecological sensitive zone in Western Ghats India “ Discussed by Dr.P.S.Roy with participants. It was interactive Session.
Following topic were discuss in case study:-
- Change Variable
- Climate Forcing
- Agricultural or Human Settlement forcing
- Environmental Setting
- Region and multifacet Drivers
- Post Industrial era
- Earth Observation
- Vegetation type Classification
- Western Ghats
- Satellite mapping
- Markao Model
- Akikc Information Criterion
- Receiver Operation
After Lunch at 2.pm Dr.R.C.Prasad discussed Second case study “Role of Geospatial Tools in understanding Ecosystem towards Biodiversity Distribution & Conservation”
In his talk Dr Prasad highlighted following topics
- Remote Sensing
- GIS- layer , point, Polygon
- Mobile Gis
- Slop Map
- Raster and Scalar data
- Web Gis.
- Google Earth
- Open Street Map
- Banned Knowledge
- Lock knowledge
- Digital accessible knowledge
- Data Paper
- India Biodiversity Portal
- Migrant watch
- Model – Statistical and Spatial
- Why model – Real and Conceptual
- What are we modelling – Range , Distribution , Habitatat , Observation
- Approaches – Deductive and Inductive
- SD modelling process
- Spatial Distribution
- Occurrence data
- Geographical Position
- Niche based Modelling
- Bioclimatic Environment
- Data Source
- Postgre Sql
- Open Layer
- Geo server
- Visualization
- Survey of India
- Updating special data
- Kriti Software
- Challenges
- Technical
- Knowledge
- Creating Developers Community
- Operational
- User Community
- Infrastructure
- Funding
- Citizen , Govt , Services
- What is E-Governance
- Transparency in mgmt.
- Data Process mgmt. and Standards
- Open standards
- Open Data
- Geospatial Technology
- Apriori Algorithms
- Data Capture and analysis, mobile gis , Digitizing and Desktop GIS
- Publishing Web Gis , Spatial Database and Geo server
After Tea Break Gawtam talk on Third Case Study for the day which is Mobile Gis . He told how mobile area works into Geospatial world with lots of technical aspects and tools of Open source.
This was end of first day , On Second Day ie on 1st March 2016, 4 Case study were discussed on “information bases on western Ghats “ by Dr. S.N.Prasad.He discussed following topic with participants
After the Tea Break Dr. R. C Prasad discussed the case study on “Ecological Modelling and Use of Gis “. The Following point were discuss in case study
Post lunch Gawtam came up with 6th Case study on “Western Ghats Biodiversity Portal”. He discuss with lots of Technological aspects to deal with the content
He shown his work towards Geospatial world through in his talk . After Tea break Dr.K.S. Rajan discussed on Open Source and Open data , He delivered his talk with interactive way ,The following point were discussed
This was the end of Second day , Third day onwards Practical session was conducted , organizer plan for two tracks for Practical approach , Depending on Liking of Participants they told to select their Choice .
Eight Participants join for Track 1 and Six participant join on track2. Nitish and Gawtam took the session respectively . It was really interesting to work on technology, Each and Every participant enjoyed .On 5th March 2016, post lunch feedback given by the participants and valedictory took place with Certificate Distribution Ceremony.