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On 22ndAugust 2017 the Department of Commerce organized an interclass quiz competition as a departmental activity for the month of August for the B.Com students. The main objective behind the quiz was to test the knowledge of the students with regards to their academics as well as general awareness and to create a zeal amongst them acquire more information. The quiz was divided in four rounds first one being a preliminaryround, basic commerce, rapid fire and audiovisual round.
An overwhelming response was received from the students in the preliminery round which was conducted on 21st August 2017 altogether 24 teams consisting of two members each participated in the competition from FY, SY and TY.B.Com. The preliminary round consisted of 15 questions both from commerce subjects as well as general knowledge it was effectively managed by Mr.NeeleshMorajkar ,Mr.UlhasBansode and Miss KalpitaNaik.From the preliminary round results, top three teams were selected based on their score. The three teams that were selectedwere from FYBcom and from TYBCom. The teams were named as Team Google, Team Bing and Team Yahoo. The quiz was hosted by Miss KalpitaNaik and Miss FarheenShaikh , the Scoreboard was handled by Mr.UlhasBansode and Miss KomalKarekar
The next round was “Clash of Commercians” this round had 12 questions and was comprised of questions from various disciplines of commerce. Each team had to answer 3 questions each and the questions were select by the studensts randomly. This round had a provision for passing theun answered questions from one team to another 10 points were rewarded for each correct guess, 05 points were rewarded to the team who answered the passed question, at the end of each round the questions were also passed to the audience and a gift was given
The next round was “Fast and Smart” which was a rapid fire round mostly based on general knowledge and current affairs, again each correct answer would fetch 10 points to the teams. The final round“Dekho Magar Dhyaan Se” was a visual round wherein the teams had to identify the logos and slogans of the respective companies.
Through the entire there was a neck to neck competition amongst the teams but team Yahoo, Mr.Sunay Solyekar and Miss Laksha Chari from the TYB.com made it towards victory with the overall high score. The first runner up was team Bing Mr, Darshan Velip & Ms.Sneha Gaonkar from TYB.Com and second runner up were team Google. Mr. Raj Gaunker & Mr, Geetesh Gaonkar from Fy.B.Com,the activity was a success because of active participation from the students as well as good team work from the faculty members and continuous encouragement of Principal Dr. Manasvi Kamat. The department looks forward to organizing more of such activities.